AN ACT to establish fire safety standards for cigarettes to limit fire risksand to make an appropriation therefor:
The People of the State of - - - - - - do enact as follows:
Section 1. Legislative findings and determinations. The legislature hereby findsand declares that fires caused by dropped cigarettes are the leading cause of fire death in the stateas well as a major cause of fires in homes, nursing homes, hotels and hospitals. The legislaturefurther finds that it is technically feasible to produce cigarettes that have a significantly reducedpropensity to ignite upholstered furniture or mattresses. The legislature concurs with thefindings of the federal Technical Study Group (established by Public Law 98-567) on cigarettefire safety which conducted tests of forty-one experimental cigarettes and found that by varyingseveral properties, cigarettes could be produced which reduce the likelihood of ignition: theseproperties include low tobacco density, small tobacco rod circumference, and cigarette paperwrapper with low porosity.The legislature hereby determines that it is within the police powers of the state to protectthe health and safety of the people of - - - - - - - -by establishing fire safety standards forcigarettes sold in this state.
Section 2. Short title. This act shall be known as the "Fire SafeCigarette Act."
Section 3. Fire safety standards for cigarettes and enforcement:
Section 4. The sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), or so muchthereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the office of the State Fire Marshal out ofany moneys in the state treasury in the general fund to defray the expenses of the office includingpersonal services, operations, maintenance and subcontracting with a fire safety laboratory oragency within the United States to develop fire safety performance standards.
Section 5. This act shall take effect on- - - - - - -; except that this act shall not takeeffect if federal fire safety standards for cigarettes are enacted before the day this act takes effect.