Cancun, Mexico
"This superb event
attracts more totally wild participants
who consume more alcohol, stay inebriated longer, cruise more beaches and
streets, get less sleep, trash more bars, catch more rays, and get boffed more
than any other time of the year. Cancun, Mexico has been a tradition and
an Absolut Party since 1961."
Alc. 100%/Vol.
(200 proof)
Recommended Daily Consumption

Live from Spring Break in Cancun:
Our Undercover Correspondents WriteMarch
15, 2002
Hi Everyone,
We arrived at Cancun Airport on a flight packed with college and high school
students from across the United States. From the plane we were escorted
to immigration and greeted by Spring Break flyers and a "warning note from
the local authorities"
which read:
"Spring Break 2002, Enjoy Cancun!! And Be Safe! We hope that you have a wonderful time enjoying all that Cancun has to offer:
great beaches, water sports and a lively nightlife. But please be responsible and don't do
here what you wouldn't do at home."
The entrance of the airport was bustling with student tour groups and signs
for hotel transportation. We were in a minivan with five Spring-breakers from Boston. Immediately, they asked the driver if drinking was allowed on
the streets and if the buses that took you to the bars and hotels ran 24
hours. Our minivan driver answered "Si" to both questions.
Our first stop was the Student City promotional station to pick up our Cancun Gold Party Passes. We were given colorful plastic
bracel ets that
resembled medical ID bracelets as our "pass" into various "all you can drink" bars and parties throughout the week. By the way, they didn't
check our ID's; they said they "trusted us."
We wear Mardi Gras necklaces, flip flops, and summer wear, a camera in one hand and a "Yard long" plastic cup filled with beer in the other. I'm wearing a Corona sticker on my belly and Josh is sporting a Corona
on his left arm. Bacardi and Corona have also been very kind to give us lanyards for our hotel keys and a plastic bottle
opener attached.
I have to make this letter short. Actually, we're on our way to a "Booze Cruise" and boarding starts in half an
Elaine and Josh
The alcohol industry claims it does not market to
young people. What do you think? Let us hear from you.
Email tf@traumaf.org.
See our previous Spring Break story .