Cancun, Mexico
"This superb event
attracts more totally wild participants
who consume more alcohol, stay inebriated longer, cruise more beaches and
streets, get less sleep, trash more bars, catch more rays, and get boffed more
than any other time of the year. Cancun, Mexico has been a tradition and
an Absolut Party since 1961."
Alc. 100%/Vol.
(200 proof)
Recommended Daily Consumption

Coverage from Our Undercover Correspondents at Spring Break in
Cancun The alcohol industry claims it does not market to
young people. What do you think? Let us hear from you.
Email tf@traumaf.org.
Greetings from Cancun!
March 20, 2002
Cancun is a beautiful city of white sandy beaches wit h turquoise waters
and hot sun. We’re here on Spring Break with 60,000 other students, most of
whom are from the United States. We’ve purchased an all-inclusive package
from our hotel, which includes our room, meals, and free drinks. We’re also
on a Party Package, which gives us access to the most popular clubs for
dancing, and all you can drink parties every night!
A typical day in Cancun:
10AM- We wake up at around 10am for some breakfast and start the morning with free drinks at our hotel.
12PM- -Around noon we hit the beach to catch some rays. Oasis Hotel is
the most popular beach this year, especially since MTV is filming there. We
pick up tickets to watch MTV’s Fear Factor in one booth and buy Spring Break
t-shirts with pro-drinking and pro-sex mottos such as: "One Tequila, Two
Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor" from another booth. We eat quesadillas on the
beach and sit under giant Corona and Dos Equis umbrellas. At first, I am
hesitant to go swimming but then I notice the lifeguard sitting in his
tower with a Bacardi banner ad and feel a little bit safer. As we lie out in the sun,
a charter plane flies by with the signage, “Fat Tuesdays Open Bar Tonight,” and
parasailers with Dos Equis logos on their parachutes
decorate the clear blue sky. As we leave the beach, we’re given
free samples and temporary tattoos from the Midori girls.
2PM -- We take advantage of “Free Drink Hours.” Today, we have free drink hours at The Cove from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, Fat
Tuesdays from 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm and Dady Rock from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
The bus service that runs 24 hours along the Zona Hotellera connects all
the bars and hotels to each other. We know we’re taking the right bus when
it’s full of screaming students and even more so when the bus has a Dos
Equis, Corona or Bacardi ad on the side. We arrive at Fat Tuesdays and
are greeted by a giant inflatable Budweiser bottle. In the court yard, bikini-clad
Budweiser girls are giving away t-shirts with the motto “Spring Fever Party
2002, Make It A Bud Light Party.” The Budweiser Team bodyguard is protective of the inflatable Budweiser bottle, which
he takes with him.
On our way to Dady Rock’s for more
beer, we run into the Bacardi promotional team. Available are Bacardi
frisbees, playing cards, party cups, fuzzy dice and beach balls for the little ones. This time around Josh
is able to get a souvenir picture
with the Bacardi girls.
6PM-- We return to our hotel where Corona is doing a promotion. They’re giving away Corona and Modelo Spring Break 2002 t-shirts, stickers, and lanyards with bottle openers attached to them. Unfortunately we are
not able to get a picture taken with the Corona girls for Josh's collection.
We have
dinner at our hotel and relax with more free drinks until we hit the
strip again.
9PM-- Walking around Cancun is similar to walking on a red carpet.
are welcome signs everywhere, “Welcome Students, The Party Is Here, Just
Come In and Get It, Spring Break 2002.” The streets are packed with students
carrying beer bottles and yard glasses. Josh and I have a difficult time choosing which bar to hit up first; we
are enticed by inflatable beer bottles, loud music, and signs such as “No Cover, 2 for 1, Ladies Drink Free, All You Can Drink.” Though we are more inclined to go to the bars that have Modelo and Budweiser ads outside. Still, we are constantly
being stopped by bar promoters giving away Mardi Gras necklaces, handing out
flyers and wristbands. We also run into the Beer.com girls and got a picture
with them and Josh. They also give us Dos Equis leather keychains and stickers.
11PM -- As part of our hotel’s all-inclusive package, we have access
to several bars not included in our Party Package. One of them is Senor
Frogs. Tonight Dos Equis is doing a Spring Break promotion. They have outdoor
disco balls and television sets, fog, laser lights and Dos Equis girls wearing
green as part of the “Spring Break Green Glow VIP Party.” We get
pictures of the girls with Josh to add to his collection.
Afterwards, they
give us
glow sticks and Spring Break medals.
12AM-- At around midnight, we go to an All You Can Drink Bourbon Street Bash at Pat O’Brien’s. There’s a giant Corona bottle at the entrance and
more Dos Equis displays and girls next door. One more picture of Josh
and a different group of Dos Equis girls.
3AM-- Our final party stop for the night is the massive Dady O’s
consisting of three clubs connected by tunnels. The event is all you can
drink, and at this point, I’m ready to go to sleep.
4AM-- We take a crowded bus back to our hotel. It’s chaos inside the bus;
The drunken kids are either passed out or yelling out the windows. On our
way in to our hotel, I notice a Jim Beam ad and a newly placed Budweiser banner
posted in front that was not there the previous day.
5AM- Asleep.
See our previous Spring Break
stories .