Unite for a Peaceful World and Future

"Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time: the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."
--Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Stockholm, Sweden, December 11, 1964

Our hearts go out to the victims and families, and to our communities, so deeply and painfully affected by September 11th’s tragedy. We mourn the loss of lives, and we grieve for those whose loved ones will never return home.

In the midst of our sorrow, we contemplate the future. And we focus on peace.

Those of us working in violence prevention know that we must look holistically at the problem of violence. We must examine and address the root causes and determine solutions that are non-violent and effective in the long term. As violence prevention advocates, we have never sought violence as a solution to violence. In the wake of this tragedy, our beliefs stand firm.

The Trauma Foundation believes that we must halt violence here and abroad and oppose the Bush Administration’s justification of violence in the Middle East. This crisis should not be used to further intensify aggression and violence. We must also oppose the racism that has taken root in our communities and is targeting Arab Americans. And we must hold our media accountable for the questions they are asking, or not asking, and of whom.

We want justice. Finding that justice means understanding the root causes of the violence, acknowledging our own culpability in the tragedies around the world, and correcting our irresponsible lack of participation in international agreements and treaties. The necessary solutions are long term and require humility and patience, peaceful and determined activism, not arms.

For more information, see the following
web sites:

Alternet – read insightful news and commentaries from the alternative press.

MoveOn.org – participate in an online discussion to determine how we can
make a difference.

Log on to http://yp.yahoo .com to find
your local American Red Cross and
give blood.

Amazon.com is offering one-click contributions to the American Red Cross.

Working Assets is matching contributions
to a number of non-profits.

Other alternative discussions and perspectives:

International Action Center.

Youthradio - a youth perspective.
